Guest cancellation

Guests can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours prior to departure with a full refund. Guests can cancel their trip in their personal account through our website or mobile app, and the cancellation takes effect immediately. The total amount of compensation consists of the cost of the trip and the site commission. Travel or vehicle insurance is non-refundable.

WARNING! In case of suspicion of fraudulent cancellation of the reservation, Carentify reserves the right to block the accounts of the guest and the host.

Host cancellation

If the host wants to cancel the booked trip, we recommend that they notify the guest as soon as possible using the Carentify message in the personal account. They must then process the cancellation through the Carentify website or app. Cancellation is effective immediately and the guest will receive a full refund. The total amount of compensation consists of the cost of the trip and the site commission. Travel or vehicle insurance is non-refundable.

WARNING! In case of suspicion of fraudulent cancellation of the reservation, Carentify reserves the right to block the accounts of the guest and the host.